이재영, MD, PhD


Dr. Lee is a board-certified internist. He earned a medical degree from Hanyang University School of Medicine, (located in Seoul, South Korea) graduated as cum laude. He completed internal medicine residency at the Hanyang University Hospital and Allergy and clinical immunology fellowship at the Seoul National University Hospital. He was a former associate professor at Hallym University Medical School. He had practiced more than 10 years as an allergist/attending physician in Hallym University Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital. He has an experience as an immunology researcher in Yale University, New Haven, CT.

He published many peer review articles in scientific journals including J Allergy Clin Immunol, J Clin Invest, J Biol Chem, and Allergy. He wrote book chapters in ‘Textbook of Internal medicine’ and ‘Asthma and Allergic Diseases’ in Korean.

He moved to U.S in 2013, underwent residency training again at the Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island to practice in U.S. He was a hospitalist for 4 years in the greater Boston area and then joined JK internal medicine in August 2020. He is incredibly happy to settle in the north Atlanta community and is enjoying a new phase of his life.


  • 한양대학교 의과대학 학사 (우등 졸업)
  • 한양대학교 의과대학 석사, 박사 취득


  • 한양대학교 병원 인턴, 레지던트 수료
  • 서울대학교 병원 알레르기내과 전임의 수료
  • 미국 로드아일랜드 메모리얼 병원 내과 레지던트 수료


  • 한국 내과 전문의
  • 한국 알레르기내과 분과전문의
  • 미국 내과 전문의


  • 한림의대/강동성심병원, 호흡기알레르기내과 부교수
  • 예일의대 호흡기내과 연구원 (알레르기 면역학 연구)
  • 대한 천식 및 알레르기 학회 학술지 편집위원
  • 하스피탈리스트, 메사츄셋 Metrowest Medical Center 및 South Shore Hospital